Tips To Incorporate During Coding To Boost Performance Of Apps

Apps have revolutionized lives. There are apps for almost every activity imaginable- be it apps for movies, music, health or even shopping. We use apps day in and day out but little do we stop and think about how apps were designed.

If you’re into coding and you design apps for Android then you know it’s no easy feat. Coding of apps needs to be done in a way to make apps efficient by choosing the right patterns of algorithm as well as data structure. Micro-optimizing can be something hard to get right if the app runs on more than one hardware. It can be tricky to code an app that will be running on different devices with different processors along with the factor of different speeds.

Here are a few tips to better optimize coding so as to ensure good performance of your apps:

Do Away with Unnecessary Objects

Allocating objects in your app needs serious thinking. The more objects you add to your app, the more “bumps” you might create for the end user as this increases periodic garbage collection. Rather than using multi dimensional arrays which might increase objects, make use of parallel single dimensional arrays which will run smoother.

Another helpful tip would be that while extracting strings from any set of data, try return to the original data rather than creating a copy of the data. Try not to create any short term temporary objects as much as possible.

Static Vs Virtual

You should always choose a static method if you won’t be requiring access to an object’s field. This will help boost the performance of invocations by almost 15-20%. Why just stick to an app when you can get yourself an amazing website by getting a good domain name through znetlive coupons and get the advantage of discounts and pay lesser through cashback.

Getters and Setters- Not so Much!

Coders who use C++ would know the trick of using internal getters as its more convenient than access the field directly.  However Android works a little differently and this is not the best way to code for Android. If it is without JIT, a direct access could increase the speed by 3 times compared to a getter and if it is with a JIT, direct field access works almost 7 times faster which is quite impressive.

Floating P Point should be Avoided

On Android devices, a floating P points acts almost 2 times slower in comparison to integers on this platform.  There is hardly any difference between float and double in terms of speed especially when you consider modern devices. However double is almost 2 times the size space wise which is why it makes a good choice for desktop versions as space is not an issue. If you’re launching an app , consider launching a website for your product too and you can pay a lot lesser using milesweb coupons from cashkaro to get great hosting and domain facilities and get added advantages for your website too.

Native Coding

You might be using native coding for your app through Android NKD but it doesn’t make it more efficient than if you used Java instead. There might be a cost that is associated when a Java-native transition takes place and it might be hard for the JIT to optimize in between boundaries. Timely collection of data might be an issue if you’re using native files hence try avoiding native coding. You might also need to code multiple versions of the same architecture so as to allow it to run on various processors.

Try these tips the next time you code an app to get the best experience incorporated in your app which will surely enhance user satisfaction when they use your app. Efficiency is key when designing an app and these factors will surely help give your app a boost.

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