Tag: television

How Innovation Affects Engagement in the Television Industry

Throughout the past decade, we’ve seen a fight of innovation vs. television industry, and innovation has won every round of this fight so far! The popularity of online video is spreading like wildfire, and a lot of families don’t even watch television anymore. Networks that have based their model around providing linear broadcasts at set […]

Ten Easy Ways to Optimize Home Theatres

A custom, home theatre PC is often a labor of love. This seemingly, never-ending project can be optimized in so many ways. From plug-ins to synchronization, the home theatre PC can be every bit as powerful and entertaining as any expensive set-up.   1. Plug-Ins  Utilizing plug-ins is a great way to optimize home theatre […]

Best Televisions to Watch Sports

What is your favourite time of day? Unless you are a workaholic who just loves to enter the office and see those gleaming PCs it is quite possibly the moment when you get home in the evenings. You can put on some comfortable clothes, grab a snack from the fridge and relax once you get […]