Tag: computer

Exploring The Best Laptops For Students

Even imagining a college life without a laptop gives us nightmares. Think about the same routine life of the college where we get tired of getting ready every morning for the same prison, I think we could all agree that college is no less than a prison. The laptops make our time at this prison […]

3D Printers Will Change the World

There’s a new industrial revolution, and it’s coming in 3D. From a Tel Aviv basement, the Reut Institute, a policy group dedicated to shaping Israeli society’s future, has set the stage for Israel’s first open-source 3D printer lab. From the XLN lab, high school students are already using PLA, a plastic-like strong material made with […]

Five Tips to Give Employees to Prevent Cybercrime at Work

Setting up anti-virus programs at your business isn’t enough to prevent malware infestations or hacking attacks, if human error is a factor. Educate your employees on preventative usage of business equipment and the business network, and you decrease the chances of human error leading to an IT headache. Increase your business’ likelihood of preventing cybercrime […]

How to Enhance Traffic for Your Website via Backlinks?

Websites, online traffic, links, backlinks – all these have now become a common term for the users and online business professionals. Business these days is mostly conducted online for that every business launches a website. These websites require traffic and maximum exposure in the web world. But how can this be made feasible? It is […]

Nokia Lumia 710: The New Affordable Windows Phone

Last year Nokia introduced the Lumia 800, which was the first Windows Phone device. Now the Finnish company brought the second device on the same arena and it is named as Nokia Lumia 710. Those who think that the first Lumia handset was a bit costly they can opt for the second version. While you […]

Online Backup Services- Choose With Caution

If you posses lots of confidential data on your laptop or computer, you need to save them at the other place too. Online backup is always preferable to subscribe, since it takes care of your valuable documents well by accessing the main database. The world of technology is unpredictable, so if you planned an adjacent […]

Revlon’s Private Cloud

Private cloud serves are a relatively new innovation. The cloud server provides a good way for the owner to spread out the computer, provide redundancy and reduce its server load times.Cloud servers are not the same thing as a VPS. Large companies prefer to have their own private infrastructure rather than rely on a hosting […]

Disadvantages Of PHP In Web Development

The popularity of PHP programming language is well documented and celebrated, but there are skeletons in its armor. Experiences with PHP projects have helped to shed light on some issues that users should be well informed about. The most prominent of these disadvantages are listed below in much detail;   Big projects require some experiences […]