Think, you dont need your current mobile phone anymore and want to buy a new one? Your decision is great, keeping in mind the new and improved features of the next phone you are going to get. Throwing away your old phone is not the only option here. You may get good cash for mobiles that are not in use anymore.
The useful life of a mobile phone is very short compared to other assets generally in possession. A latest mobile phone having a lot of exciting features might be in great demand when its new model is just released. But dont think that things are going to remain the same for too long. It might be just a few months or sometimes even a few weeks or days when this high-tech device in your hands is not going to be the latest gadget. You might come across another device just a few days after your purchase that is more dynamic and attractive than the phone set you are holding. Added features in the new models compel you to buy them in the first available opportunity.
Mobile phone companies are constantly researching and designing stuff that attracts more customers. Value addition and extra stuff embedded in the future models keep the customers interested and waiting for the newer models to be released.
Once the newer types are in the market and they are giving more functionality than the current models, you are inevitably attracted to buy them. Your old phone is no longer needed now. There are many options on what to do with the old phone. One is to keep it with you as a backup device to be used in case of an emergency like, when your new phone is out of charge. Sometimes, keeping two mobile phone sets becomes necessary like when you are using one phone number for connecting with your friends and family and another phone number is kept for official use. In this case, you may also like to keep your old phone with you.
Disposing off your old phone is also an option. The simple logic is when you dont need something you dont have to keep it with you anymore. Based on this principle, you might decide to just throw the device away. This may not be a wise choice, if you have an option of getting cash for mobiles. Due to all this variety in the mobile phone sets, there is always someone out there whose needs of a phone set match with the functionality of the one you are about to use no more. Finding that right person can get you good cash for your old mobile.
Once you are in the market, you may get amazed to see the number of buyers who are searching for a phone set exactly or resembling yours. Negotiating a good sale price is a skill. If you have that skill in you, you might get a very reasonable price on the item. Even if you dont have that skill, still your phone can be sold at a nice price giving you atleast some return on your sale.