Next Month to See Launch of New iPad

Get ready for a month of fevered speculation, constant news articles and rumors sites going into overdrive. Fanboys will be drooling and some of them will already be out reserving their place in the queue outside the store. Apple yesterday revealed that it will shortly be unveiling the latest incarnation of its tablet computer – the iPad 3. There has already been constant rumors of leaks and photos of the case, the screen and the new chip surfacing over the past three or four months and from the moment the announcement was made yesterday people immediately started trying to guess  just how much faster, easier to use and more powerful in the processing department the new iPad will be over the previous model.

Apple yesterday started sending out their invitations to the usual suspects in the media for their new launch event in San Francisco on the 7th March. The invitation intriguingly states that: “We have something you really have to see. And touch.” It is accompanied by a picture of the bottom section of an iPad.

Most industry analysts are predicting that the iPad 3 will come with a far higher screen resolution – including the much discussed retina display that can be found on the last release, the iPhone 4S. Apple pointed out with regards to that retina display that thanks to the huge number of pixels within the screen, once it is held out at arms length the screen offers the user the absolute maximum level of detail that any human retina is able to completely perceive.

In addition the experts are saying that the iPad 3 will come with a significantly more powerful processor – believed to be the new A6 chip – that should make the iPad3 considerably faster than any previous model. In addition it is hoped that the new iPad3 will be capable of running on 4G networks depending, of course, on the wireless network that the owner is signed on with. However, the design of the iPad (excepting some rumors about a slightly more curved back) is not believed to have changed.

Lastly, seasoned Apple watchers will also be intrigued to see how the device is presented by Apple’s new chief executive, Tim Cook, who has taken over at the helm since Steve Jobs passed away last year. Jobs was famous for the showmanship of his presentations and it is not yet known whether Tim Cook can replicate the excitement created by Jobs in his trademark black sweaters.

James is a business blogger and writer, who writes about everything from business equipment to business technology and from contractor tax to how to set up an umbrella company.

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