Category: Other Tech

3 Ways Your Mobile Device May Actually Improve Your Health

If you turn on the news or read an article in a magazine, it’s likely you’ve seen something about how we as humans spend too much time on our mobile devices and not enough time interacting with each other. While this may be true at times, did you know those mobile devices can actually aide in improving […]

Why Businesses Should Outsource IT?

Running a business is not certainly a simple affair because one is met with a great number of priorities which need to be met at their respective times. In the start, the business is operating on a minimal level and can be easily handled given the standard level. However, as the scale of operations grows, […]

Are Cyberattacks the Worst Threat Your Organization Will Face in 2019?

In light of the globally influential data breaches and malware attacks, Cybersecurity is a hot topic of discussion right now. In recent times, cybercriminals have grown smarter and are actively carrying out different forms of attacks backed by various motives. Previously, businesses had to worry about keeping their stakeholders happy by giving them favorable returns […]

Upcoming Apple Gadgets – What To Do With Your Old Ones?

Laptops, smartphones, and other advanced electronics have become the norm these days and as such you do not readily get buyers to whom you can sell your spectacular phone or MacBook because chances are that they are already packing an amazing device of their own that rivals if not exceeds your phone. So how do […]

Exploring The Best Laptops For Students

Even imagining a college life without a laptop gives us nightmares. Think about the same routine life of the college where we get tired of getting ready every morning for the same prison, I think we could all agree that college is no less than a prison. The laptops make our time at this prison […]

Tips to Help Your Company Become More Eco-Friendly

Business owners are constantly looking for ways to bring in revenue, and cut expenses. But, how do we do that? Fortunately, there are several choices. Many of them incorporate going green. Developing eco-friendly choices such as saving water, installing solar panels, and similar tasks, will not only help you save water…Showing that your environmentally-conscious may […]

How To Get The Best Return On Social Media

Social media ROI is often seen as the elephant in the marketing room and a topic quite difficult to grasp. In truth, it’s not easy to see what you’ll tangibly get back from the time, effort, and money poured into your social presence. But… calculating your social media ROI is totally doable, so keep reading […]

Watch Your Favourite Videos In MP4 Today

MP4 and WMV (Window Media Video) is one of the popular kind of formats that most of the videos are built of.  The WMV format is said to be a series of codec formats that are written as a multimedia file which is maintained and developed by Microsoft. While MPER-4 or MP3 is a digital […]