Category: Computing

Tips to Find Quality Website Designers

Website design is the form of web design where a website is intended to present content mainly. The goal is to provide information of some kind in an aesthetically pleasing manner, creating a positive user experience. Finding a quality website designer is very important, as the importance of your website will greatly depend on the […]

Interview Tips for Software Engineers

It’s a common problem for every engineering team: how do you hire the smartest, most talented engineers? What are the best questions to ask software engineers in an interview? How do you assess their skills and logic? What protocol should they follow to pass the interview? How can you ensure that those new joiners can […]

6 Ways to Optimize Ecommerce Product Catalogs

A high-quality digital online catalog can help you vary your marketing channels while also providing you with a shareable and brandable asset. Scaling an e-commerce platform necessitates the creation and maintenance of an e-commerce product catalog. When used correctly, the catalog may increase search engine traffic, improve product knowledge, and increase conversions. However, with poorly […]

How Students Can Earn Money Online During Lockdown

Over the past few months, almost everything in the world is on pause, making life difficult. The reason is that everything that people used to do in their daily routine is not there anymore. There is depression everywhere and many people who get infected with the disease are held in isolation to get cured, away […]

How Data Management Is the Key Task in Any Business

Data management is the key task in any business for the simple reason that data is what drives most companies. Data can be collected from customers that help businesses develop their marketing strategies. It may be crucial data about a client’s bank account. It can even be anything in between. Whatever the case, your company […]

Exploring The Best Laptops For Students

Even imagining a college life without a laptop gives us nightmares. Think about the same routine life of the college where we get tired of getting ready every morning for the same prison, I think we could all agree that college is no less than a prison. The laptops make our time at this prison […]

Can Computers Learn Common Sense?

Artificial intelligence is something that has been strived for by researchers for quite a while, and it has been popularized in many movies, television shows and books, including the work of Issac Asimov. Now, researchers are trying to spark artificial intelligence by letting a computer go through millions of picture and try to decide what […]

Kano: The Kit That Lets Anyone Build a Computer From Scratch

If you are a person that has always wanted to build your own computer and you really like tinkering with things, but you have always been blocked by those motherboards, and hard drives and casings, well, a new kit might just help you create your own computer. A new Kickstarter campaign for a kit called […]

Create Faces And Move Fingers To Experience Perceptual Computing At Intel

Perceptual computing is an important concept which the tech giants like Intel are adopting. Anil Nanduri, the director of perceptual products & solutions at Intel feels that perceptual computing is going to be everywhere soon. At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, the company will furnish the interested individuals with details and demos soon. […]

Analytics Has Helped Ford To Attain Success And Prosper

Like all automakers Ford has adopted extensive market research and surveys to conquer the heart of the drivers. But Mike Cavaretta, project leader for the predictive analytics at Ford feels that it does not give a holistic picture. He feels that data needs to be standardized to enable comparisons. For specific information and customer reviews […]