Month: September 2012

The Anatomy of a Digital Business

Recently, O’Reilly Strata published an article that suggested big data on the cloud has placed a digital nervous system inside every business on the web. Where technology may have once functioned as an exoskeleton—something that separated the inside from the outside by digitizing existing business processes—the web is now becoming a nervous system for every aspect […]

Creating a New MySQL Database for a Cloud Application

MySQL is a free database solution that is part of a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) setup. It provides the dynamic data for a cloud application. The technology is free along with the tools used to create and manage the database server. For every new business, a new database is required to get started […]

Print Your T-shirt using a new technique

If you want to promote your business or organization or any event, there could be no other way better than printing on a t-shirt. It is not just a style statement, but a statement that becomes a mass sound crossing the limited barrier of style. Now, the question for you is, how would you get […]